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Dr. Morin: Surgical missions
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Dr. Morin: Mission in Guatemala

Mission in Guatemala

Mission in Guatemala - Dr. Morin with infant

Developing Faces just completed a successful surgical mission to Guatemala City. We treated 28 children with complex facial abnormalities.

Mission in Guatemala - Dr. Morin at operation
Mission in Guatemala - Dr. Morin with little child

Ibague, Columbia

Dr. Morin recently completed a mission to Ibague, Colombia with Dr. Francoise Firmin, the world’s authority on ear reconstruction. Dr. Morin and Dr. Firmin worked with the organization Que Canten Los Ninos to perform 1st and 2nd stage ear reconstruction on children with microtia (congenital absence of the ear). During his time with Dr. Firmin, Dr. Morin learned the important yet subtle techniques that make her results the best in the world.

Mission in Guatemala - nature panorama

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mission in Guatemala - Dr. Morin viewing infant before operation

Nine days after the January 2010 earthquake, Dr. Morin traveled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti with Miami Children’s Hospital, the University of Miami, and Project Medishare to perform life and limb saving surgery on children. Dr. Morin was the only plastic surgeon at the Port-au-Prince airport “hospital” during the week he was there.

Click here to watch the ABC Nightline video ER: Haiti.

Mission in Guatemala - nature panorama, rocks

Rizal Philippines

Dr. Morin spent one week in Rizal, Philippines with the organizations PAGES and Operation Hope. During that time, he performed cleft lip and palate surgery on children whose ages ranged from 6 months to 18 years.

Mission in Guatemala - Dr. Morin with little girl child
Mission in Guatemala - nature panorama, waterfall


Dr. Morin participated on a surgical mission to Mauritius where he spent 10 days operating on children with secondary deformities related to cleft lips and palates that had been initially repaired years before.

Mission in Guatemala - little child before treatment
bio section gif
Dr. Robert Jason Morin, MD, FACS - photo

Why Choose Dr. Robert Morin, MD, FACS

Dr. Robert J. Morin is a board-certified plastic surgeon that specializes in reconstructive procedures of the head, nose, and face. In addition to performing a wide scope of plastic surgery procedures, he also performs general plastic surgery.

Dr. Morin trained extensively in the complex fields of craniofacial surgery, cosmetic surgery, and pediatric surgery. His dedication and hard work, along with years of training, have gained him a reputation for being one of the best reconstructive surgeons worldwide. His diligence and persistence in these complex areas allow him to perform complex nasal reconstruction, ear reconstruction, and cosmetic and cleft rhinoplasty on patients, young and old.

FACS | Fellow American College of Surgeons Member - American Society of Plastic Surgeons ABMS Maintenance of Certification American College of Surgeons

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