Patient 1
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 19 year old girl who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Specifically she disliked her dorsal hump and severely crooked nose. The dorsal hump was removed, the nasal bones were fractured and the nose was straightened. The tip cartilage was also reshaped and defined in order to create a more beautiful appearance. This is a great example of how powerful removing a distraction can be. The first thing you see now are the patient's beautiful eyes.
Patient 2
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 25 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 3
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 19 year old college student with a history of nasal trauma. Surgical correction of her deviated nose, dorsal hump and bulbous tip was performed. These procedures resulted in a straight nose, a smooth flat nasal dorsum, better tip projection and definition and an overall beautiful result.
Patient 4
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty was performed on this 25 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. She was specifically concerned about her large dorsal hump, wide nasal bones and poorly defined tip. The dorsal hump was reduced, the nasal bones were narrowed, the tip was defined and septal cartilage grafts were placed for long lasting support. The result is a beautiful nose that perfectly compliments her beautiful face.
Patient 5
Patient's Story: A complex rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 22 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Take a close look at her nostrils. I performed a very intricate reorientation of her tip and nostril cartilage in order to correct her retracted alar rims. This is an extremely powerful maneuver that is called transposition of the lower lateral crura with lateral crural strut grafts for the correction of cephalic malposition. In other words, she now has a beautiful nose.
Patient 6
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 24 year old woman who described her nose as a "Squidward" nose. Her dorsal width was therefore substantially reduced and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her nasal tip and alar rims. The key to her beautiful result are the smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. Her result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to her face.
Patient 7
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 19 year old girl who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Specifically she disliked her dorsal hump and drooping tip. The dorsal hump was removed and the tip was reshaped, supported and defined in order to create an overall more beautiful appearance.
Patient 8
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 21 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Specifically she disliked her dorsal hump and large drooping tip. The dorsal hump was removed and the tip was beautifully contoured and defined. Septal cartilage grafts were used in order to provide support and create an overall more beautiful appearance.
Patient 9
Patient's Story: A reconstructive cleft lip rhinoplasty and septoplasty with rib cartilage grafts to the nose was performed on this beautiful patient who was born with a cleft lip deformity. Rib cartilage was used in order to increase her nasal tip projection and support. In addition, a diced cartilage Tisseal glue graft was used in order to increase the projection and definition of her dorsum. The result is a beautiful nose and an extremely happy patient.
Patient 10
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 17 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her tip was defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her nose. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to her face.
Patient 11
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 25 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her nasal bones were narrowed and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her nasal tip and nasal airways. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 12
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 23 year old woman with extremely thin skin. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. Finally, a layer of temporoparietal fascia was placed over the entire bony and cartilaginous framework as a camouflage graft to ensure a beautiful nasal shape and contour.
Patient 13
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 22 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 14
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 27 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 15
Patient's Story: An open rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 29 year old woman who presented with concerns related to the crooked appearance of her nose. A septoplasty was also performed in order to straighten the patient's septum and nose. The result is a beautifully defined nose with excellent symmetry that compliments the patient's face.
Patient 16
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 24 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 17
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 24 year old female who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Surgical correction of her long deviated nose, dorsal hump and hanging columella was performed. These procedures resulted in a straight and better proportioned nose, a smooth flat nasal dorsum, better tip position and a normal amount of columellar show
Patient 18
Patient's Story: A closed rhinoplasty was performed on this 22 year old who only desired a reduction of a small dorsal hump and the narrowing of her nasal bones. These procedures were performed using only intranasal incisions in order to successfully accomplish the patient's goals. Nothing was done to the patient's nasal tip. This is a great example of how powerful a closed rhinoplasty can be on the properly selected patient. She is happy and she has a beautiful result.
Patient 19
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 16 year old girl who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Specifically she disliked her large dorsal hump, wide nasal bones and bulbous nasal tip. The dorsal hump was removed, the nasal bones were fractured and narrowed and the tip cartilage was reshaped and defined in order to create a smaller and more proportioned nose. The result is a more sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing nasal appearance.
Patient 20
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 24 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Specifically she disliked her dorsal hump, wide nasal bones and bulbous nasal tip. The dorsal hump was removed, the nasal bones were fractured and narrowed and the tip cartilage was reshaped and defined in order to create a smaller and more proportioned nose. The result is a more sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing nasal appearance.
Patient 21
Patient's Story: A complex revision rhinoplasty was performed on this 33 year old woman using her own rib cartilage. The patient had previously undergone a primary rhinoplasty by another surgeon in another country. Several rib cartilage grafts were used in order to successfully reconstruct her nasal tip and to provide support for her collapsed nasal ala and nasal dorsum. The result is a beautifully contoured and symmetric nose with excellent support and definition. This revision was extremely difficult however the patient is extremely happy and she has an excellent result.
Patient 22
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 19 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised, her nasal tip was contoured and defined and her nasal dorsum was narrowed. In addition, septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 23
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 17 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her nasal tip was contoured and defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 24
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 28 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her large dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised, her tip was defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 25
Patient's Story: A complex reconstructive rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 25 year old woman using her own rib cartilage in order to correct a severely deviated nose and a large septal perforation. The septal perforation was successfully repaired and the nose was successfully straightened using a combination of both cartilage and soft tissue grafts.
Patient 26
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 26 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsum was narrowed, her nasal tip was contoured and defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 27
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 25 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her nose was straightened and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 28
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 25 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her nasal dorsum was narrowed, her nasal tip was contoured and defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 29
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 23 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her nasal tip was defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 30
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty was performed on this 24 year old female who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Surgical correction of her bulbous tip, wide nasal dorsum and dorsal hump was performed. These procedures resulted in a straight, narrow and better defined nose.
Patient 31
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 22 year old woman in addition to a chin reduction. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 32
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this teenage girl with a history of nasal trauma. Her nasal airway obstruction was corrected by straightening her deviated septum. Surgical correction of her dorsal hump, hanging columella and bulbous tip was performed as well. These procedures resulted in a straight nose, a smooth flat nasal dorsum and greatly improved tip projection and definition.
Patient 33
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 24 year old woman who desired a smaller and more refined nose. A reduction of the dorsal hump was performed in addition to nasal bone infracturing in order to narrow the upper width. Significant tip work was also performed in order to create a smaller and better defined tip. Finally, alar base reductions were performed in order to narrow the nostrils. The result is a more aesthetically pleasing and better proportioned nose.
Patient 34
Patient's Story: A tip rhinoplasty was performed on this 27-year-old female who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Surgical correction of her bulbous tip was performed. This resulted in a smaller, narrower and better-defined tip and an overall more aesthetically pleasing nose.
Patient 35
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 20 year old female who was concerned about the appearance of her large dorsal hump and bulbous nasal tip. Surgical reduction of her bump was performed in addition to refinement of her nasal tip in order to give her a smaller and better proportioned nose that is more harmonious with her face.
Patient 36
Patient's Story: Both rhinoplasty and septoplasty were performed on this 16-year-old girl who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Surgical correction of her large dorsal hump, wide nasal bones, and bulbous tip was performed. This resulted in a smooth, flat nasal dorsum, and a more defined tip.
Patient 37
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 29 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her tip was contoured and defined, her hanging columella was excised and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 38
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 27 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her tip was refined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 39
Patient's Story: A complex rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 32 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her nostrils were reduced, her tip was refined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to her face.
Patient 40
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 25 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her hanging columella was excised, her tip was contoured and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 41
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 19 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her nasal tip was contoured, narrowed and defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 42
Patient's Story: A complex reconstructive revision rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 68 year old woman who had a total collapse of her nose. Cadaver rib cartilage grafts were used in order to reconstruct her entire nose including her dorsum, nasal tip and nasal ala. The result is a substantial improvement in the patient's nasal projection, shape, contour and symmetry. In addition, the patient's nasal airways were restored and the patient's breathing was significantly improved. The patient is happy and she has an excellent result, especially considering the extent of her preoperative deformity.
Patient 43
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty was performed on this 26-year-old female who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Surgical correction of her dorsal hump, bulbous tip and deviated septum was performed. This resulted in a smooth, flat nasal dorsum, improved nasal airflow and a smaller, more defined nasal tip.
Patient 44
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 20 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her dorsal hump was reduced, her tip was contoured and defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 45
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafts was performed on this 27 year old woman who was unhappy with the appearance of her nose. Her tip was contoured and defined and septal cartilage grafts were used in order to structurally support her middle vault, nasal tip and nasal airways and also to define her nasal dorsum by giving her smooth, straight and symmetric dorsal aesthetic lines. The result is a beautifully contoured nose that is natural and properly proportioned to the patient's face.
Patient 46
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 29 year old woman who was concerned about her large bulbous tip, wide nasal bones and irregular nasal dorsum. Her small irregular dorsal hump was removed, her nasal bones were narrowed and her tip was refined in order to create a smaller, more defined and more beautiful nose.
Patient 47
Patient's Story: A complex feminizing reduction rhinoplasty was performed on this 35 year old woman who was unhappy with the masculine appearance of her nose and face. The patient's dorsum was reduced and narrowed, the tip was supported, defined, rotated and deprojected, and an aesthetically pleasing supratip break was created in order to enhance the patient's beauty and feminize her face. The result is a beautiful happy patient with a nose that compliments both her personality and face. Complex rhinoplasty procedures were performed in this case including a lateral crural steal and a medial crural overlay.
Patient 48
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 24 year girl who was unhappy with the overall large size of her nose and her drooping nasal tip. Nasal bone infracting was performed in addition to tip refinement and defatting of the nasal skin in order to create a smaller more sophisticated nose that is less distracting, allowing one's attention to be immediately drawn to her beautiful eyes.
Patient 49
Patient's Story: A complex revision rhinoplasty was performed on this 36 year old woman using her own rib cartilage. The patient had previously undergone a primary rhinoplasty by another surgeon in another country. Several rib cartilage grafts were used in order to successfully reconstruct her nasal tip and to provide support for her collapsed nasal tip and nasal dorsum. In addition, a large silicone implant was removed from the nasal dorsum and replaced with a rib cartilage dorsal only graft. The result is a beautifully contoured and symmetric nose with excellent support and definition. This revision was extremely difficult however the patient is extremely happy and she has an excellent result.
Patient 50
Patient's Story: A complex revision rhinoplasty was performed on this 25 year old woman who was extremely unhappy with her crooked rhinoplasty result performed by another surgeon. The patient's nose and septum were straightened using several surgical techniques including spreader grafting to the nasal dorsum. The result is a straight nose with a beautifully defined and symmetric nasal tip.
Patient 51
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty with septal cartilage grafting was performed on this 20 year old girl who was unhappy with her large dorsal hump, drooping nasal tip and overall large nose. Reduction of the nasal dorsal hump was performed in addition to refinement of the nasal tip in order to crease a smooth, symmetric and smaller nose with appropriate tip rotation.
Patient 52
Patient's Story: A rhinoplasty and septoplasty was performed on this 23 year old girl with nasal airway obstruction and cosmetic concerns. Her dorsal hump was reduced and her nasal tip was defined to give a more aesthetic appearance. In addition, her septum was straightened in order to improve her breathing.
Patient 53
Patient 54
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