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Undergoing breast augmentation surgery can improve your life in many ways. However, it requires making a few important choices. Having a clear understanding of the differences between textured breast implants and smooth breast implants is helpful when making such a big decision. Since the advantages between textured and smooth implants vary, there is no one size fits all approach.

If you’ve chosen to undergo breast revision surgery in New Jersey, deciding between textured and smooth implants is made much simpler with the help of Top NJ plastic surgeon Dr. Morin. As a New Jersey board-certified plastic surgeon, in addition to being a surgical reconstruction and revision specialist, Dr. Robert Morin has a few tips on how to stay safe and look great after getting breast implants.

The Cons of Textured Breast Implants

While textured breast implants were designed to keep the breast implant in the proper position and to reduce the risk of capsular contracture, new research has found that textured implants can rarely create an imbalance within the immune system. The sandpaper like coating is now believed to be the cause of a rare type of cancer called breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Although extremely rare, BIA-ALCL is a form of cancer that requires treatment. For this reason, Dr. Morin now recommends smooth breast implants for patients seeking cosmetic breast augmentation. With extensive experience in plastic surgery, Dr. Morin has performed breast implant procedures on patients throughout NY and NJ for over a decade.

Smoother Implants, Naturally Impressive Results

By using smooth silicone breast implants in the majority of his cosmetic breast augmentation procedures, Dr. Morin can provide natural and impressive results. This type of implant is longer lasting than saline implants, has a low risk of capsular contracture (scar tissue) and is much softer and natural than other types of implants. Since smooth silicone implants feature a non-textured surface, they move more fluidly, similar to the way your natural breasts would. However, textured silicone implants are still the preferred implant in certain specific cases.

Understanding the Difference- Textured Round VS Smooth Round Implants

Although both breast implant options are composed of silicone, they vary in results. Due to the sandpaper coating, textured implants are more likely to show folds or ripples and they may feel firmer than smooth implants. For individuals with only a small amount of breast tissue, a textured implant is much more noticeable and likely to be felt. Textured breast implants are commonly used in shaped breast implants and during breast reconstruction or revision surgery. Regardless of your breast augmentation need, Dr. Morin’s technique places the textured or smooth breast implant directly beneath the muscle tissue to minimize risk and maximize successful results.

Why Choose Dr. Robert Morin for Breast Augmentation

Understanding whether you need textured or smooth implants requires meeting with a highly trained board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Morin. Awarded top doctor status in patient care, Dr. Robert Morin has years of experience performing breast augmentations for patients throughout New Jersey. Dr. Morin’s expert surgical technique places breast implants more precisely, gently, and with less postoperative pain. If you need help deciding between textured breast implants and smooth breast implants, contact us today.

Written by Dr. Morin
Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

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